Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Remarkable Lawyer First Post


I watched a TedX talk over the weekend by Seth Godin about marketing anything in today's internet age.  If you have not seen Ted talks, they are short videos on YouTube about a specific topic.  Search your topic and you will find someone of note speaking on something that may interest you.

My interest is marketing professional services.  My practice is personal injury law but finding the right cases for my practice is the key to my success. Seth Godin's talk was about the importance of being remarkable or having a remarkable product or service.  In Godin's opinion, traditional advertising is dead as we are all overwhelmed with ad volume to the point where we tune it out.  Remarkability or the power to be new and different or to grab someone in such a way that they will remark on it is the key to becoming known or purchased. In his example, you could drive down a country road and pass a lot of black and white cows.  However, you would probably stop and look at a purple and white cow because it is remarkable.

What makes a remarkable lawyer?  Most lawyers would say results are all that matters.  But most of us lawyers are a fairly skeptical and hard to please bunch.

More importantly to me is the question of what makes a remarkable lawyer in the eyes of a client?  For me, the answer is likeability and accessibility.  How to market that and make it remarkable is the challenge.

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